What is Music Wire?

Music Wire is a common name for high carbon spring wire. This product is used for countless spring applications. It received its name because it was originally used for Piano wire. This high tensile wire can withstand temps up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, has high fatigue life, as well as, take severe bends without cracking. Spring manufacturers prefer music wire and consider it a good value because it meets the needs and requirements of the spring buyers at a moderate material cost. Gibbs Interwire music wire under .055” is also patented. The standard ordering specification or music wire is to ASTM-A-228. Patenting is a heat treatment process that improves the durability and strength of the wire. It is achieved with an in-line heat treatment at 970 degrees Fahrenheit and then cooled in a variety of mediums including air and lead. Sizes over .055” are available upon request with short lead times.
Music wire is typically phosphate coated to assist lubrication in the spring winding process. It can be plated post-production or purchased in pre-plated state with additional corrosion resistant properties such as zinc. Gibbs Interwire is an exclusive supplier of Preco Z®, a zinc coated music wire, that is the preferred choice of many spring manufacturers. In addition to Preco Z, Gibbs Interwire stocks Corrostan®, an electro-galvanized music wire that also offers additional corrosion resistance to standard music wire.
The general consensus is that music wire is one of the best, toughest, and most widely preferred materials for all sizes of springs. It has one of the highest tensile strengths and can withstand higher stresses under repeated loading than other spring materials. It is generally ordered to ASTM A-228. Contact us for additional specifications.
For more information about all of Gibbs Interwire wire products contact us at 800-800-4422 or visit here.